Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hakim Optical . . . Bogus Warranty

I am hoping to get some feedback about prescription glasses. Hakim is fraudulantly advertising good customer service, but is not delivering on it. .

On December 15, 2007, I went to Hakim Optical at 617 Princess St., Kingston with my new prescription. My boyfriend helped me pick out two new pairs of frames, which fit extremely well and looked rather nice. I was not only happy with my selections, but I was also very pleased with how well they both fit.

My first mistake was paying for everything in advance. Actually, my first real mistake was going there at all!!! I asked the lady, who had to "fit" them whether I would receive my two pairs of glasses before the end of the year. She advised me that I would, even with the Christmas vacation schedule. It was supposed to be shortly after Christmas.

I waited and waited and waited ... for the phone call, so I could pick up my new specs. It never came. Finally, exasperated, I telephoned them on January 2, 2008. I was advised, by the manager, that they had been trying to reach me for days. Now, I had given them my phone number several times. It was recorded on a separate form, which they held, as well. No one bothered to check and it seems ludicrous that they were "allegedly" trying the same wrong number for days!!! My number begins with 547. The number they recorded on my invoice was 564. That's in Ottawa. I'm in Kingston. Go Figure. The last 4 digits were not even close to mine! Incompetence. When I looked closely again at the invoice, I saw that some moron used the last 4 digits of my PN (their file number apparently) as the last 4 digits of my phone number. Morons.

When I went to pick them up and first tried on both pairs, I noticed immediately that they were very warped. One pair was so warped, that on the right side it stuck out over an inch from my face, while on the other side, it was nearly flush to my face. The manager started manipulating both pairs, but he made matters even worse. He bent the arms, twisted the frames, and did more bending and tweaking, which did not help at all. He totally mangled them, even more, if that was really possible.

I have had 3 prescriptions filled before, over the years. At no time before did this happen to me, but of course I had never gone to a Hakim store before either. I have never had to have glasses adjusted like this. As yet, I have been unable to find anyone who has had glasses given to them in such mangled condition, and I have asked many people.

I tried to reach, what I thought was their head office through their website, but think it was just a call centre of some kind at a toll-free number and I only reached a telephone operator of some sort. He just told me to go back to the store. I have no idea how to reach anyone in authority.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone, especially if you are a victim of Hakim's Alleged Specialists! As yet, I am still unable to wear these glasses, either pair. They are too uncomfortable and cause headaches, which is the milder problem. Of course, since I am a woman, they are going to do whatever the hell they want to, aren't they? What do you think???


Whistleblower said...

I have heard other people complain about Hakim and how sloppy they are with their work. One Kingston man who went to the same store referred to them as "Hackem" Optical. He used another word that I won't repeat here, very unpleasant. Wish I could have warned you. They apparently have a warranty to replace them within one year, BUT you should not have to use the warranty when the problem is because of their incompetence. No new prescription has to be twisted and manipulated especially if they fit you so well when you first bought them. They are supposed to fit just as well AFTER the lenses are inserted. I'll warn other about this so they steer clear of Hakim. Sears or Wal-Mart would have been much more competent that these idiots! Check out their site and read about the exploits of their founder, Hakimi. What a joke and twit he is!!!

Whistleblower said...

I have heard other people complain about Hakim and how sloppy they are with their work. One Kingston man who went to the same store referred to them as "Hackem" Optical. He used another word that I won't repeat here, very unpleasant. Wish I could have warned you. They apparently have a warranty to replace them within one year, BUT you should not have to use the warranty when the problem is because of their incompetence. No new prescription has to be twisted and manipulated especially if they fit you so well when you first bought them. They are supposed to fit just as well AFTER the lenses are inserted. I'll warn other about this so they steer clear of Hakim. Sears or Wal-Mart would have been much more competent that these idiots! Check out their site and read about the exploits of their founder, Hakimi. What a joke and twit he is!!!

Anonymous said...

I know what you are talking about. They are very incompetent. This Hakimi guy is something else, isn't he? I just checked out their site. What a goof he is. Guess his so-called good deeds are supposed to make up for the incompetence they display. I pity their customers. Hope they do you right.

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog. What a bunch of jerks they are. I'll spread the word so no one I know will ever go to them. Good luck trying to get this fixed.

Anonymous said...

I am in Kingston and a friend just sent me the link to your blog. I know that man that Whistleblower mentioned. My BF used to work for him a few years ago. I believe he had to take them to small claims court to finally get justice. He called them Hackem Testicles because they were real pr_cks with him. They refused to admit their incompetence. Not surprised are you? They are disreputable.

Anonymous said...

Good luck getting your glasses fixed. They will just mangle them even more. What a crap company.

Anonymous said...

They will probably just screw you over again. Don't trust them. Get something in writing. Have you contacted their head office?

Anonymous said...

I have heard a lot about this company. They are very sleazy to say the least. I doubt you will get satisfaction from them. From what I have heard on campus, they will only mangle your specs even more. Wish I could help.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. You pay them good money and tell them your phone number and they can't even get that right. Sounds like you were screwed from the beginning girl. They have the worst reputation. They do sloppy work.

Anonymous said...

Sweety, hope you can afford a lawyer. Then again even that might not help. They screw everyone over.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that their patch-up jobs are even worse. Good luck and I mean that.

Anonymous said...

Hackem Testicles - ha ha. Sounds like the old guy got that right.

Anonymous said...

My husband had many problems with them and had to go back many times. We had a good insurance plan and he got new glasses somewhere else but we were lucky. They are jerks and I doubt you will get any satisfaction from them.

Anonymous said...

Girl you are S___ out of luck if you think they will fix those glasses for you. They take your money and run.

Anonymous said...

Pass the word peeps. I hear only bad things about them, especially the Ontario sites. They are useless.

Anonymous said...

Mangled and warped specs seems to be their specialty. And they are proud of it.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Sounds like they not only warped your specs, it also sounds like they ran to the bank with your money at warp speed. Know what you mean though. They screwed me over too. I'll never go back there. Since I'm only 20, I'm sure hoping that's a lot of business they'll lose over the years. Plus. I am letting everyone know. Good luck to you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I think that you have no chance of getting satisfaction in this case. They did the same thing to my aunt and uncle, middle aged couple. They were on a fixed income and Hakim totally screwed them over. You would not believe the mess they made of their glasses and they were stuck with them for over two years! Each time they supposedly fixed them, they made the problem much worse. Both of them are handicapped and did not need this. So much for compassion. Hope you have better luck but I doubt you will. It's all money-grabbing to them. They don't care about who they hurt to get their hands on it.

Anonymous said...

I have had many eyeglass prescriptions filled over the years and have never had anything like this happen to me. Thank God I never went to Hakim Optical. No dear, the glasses are not supposed to be warped once they install the lenses. That is very unprofessional. My glasses have always fit just as perfectly before the lenses were installed as after. The only adjustments that were made to any of mine were the ear piece and nothing more. That is utterly ridiculous. I am in my 60s and have had glasses since I was a teenager. My three children all have glasses and all their children too. Nothing like this happened to any of us. I think they should give you a total refund and still make good on the deal.

Anonymous said...

Seems like it is universal with Hakim. I had big problems several years ago in Ottawa. No one I know will ever deal with them. They give horrible customer service because they just don't care and they can get away with it. If they won't make things right think about contacting the BBB to see if they will help. If they won't, then use word of mouth and print like this. Tell the whole world.

Anonymous said...

Toronto is no better especially if you are on a fixed income, they only give good service to the rich.....

Anonymous said...

UR doomed! Hakim has the worst reputation around. They obviously don't care that UR concerned about how the glasses fit. The manager would not have warped them even more and would have acknowledged that the problem was theirs in the 1st place. No one can say it is because he is a man and does not understand how important it is for the glasses to look good and wear well on someone's face. He obviously has been there some time if he doesn't own the franchise and should know better. Good luck anyway.

Anonymous said...

Guess their attitude is if it is mangled,then mangling it some more will eventually fix it, lol.

Anonymous said...

I checked their site too. Sir Hakimi indeed. Did you know you were ultimately being screwed by "royalty", at least a Knight. My oh my aren't you the privileged one. Maybe he should ensure that more effort goes into customer satisfaction and less time showing off for the world. Wonder if his knighthood is a prestigious as if he were knighted by QE of England? I read the posted commments and it seems that many folks have had problems with Hakim. I know I will never use them and make sure no one I know will. I'll watch for your update and am anxious to know if it gets resolved. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I'm in toronto. they did pretty much the same thing to me too.

Anonymous said...

The same thing is happening in NB. They warped my new frames so badly they could not be fixed. I had to get a whole new set and it cost me. They would not cover the cost.

Anonymous said...

they don't care about satisfied customers. proof's in the pudding. it's all money money money that's how hakimi can afford all those expensive things like marble floors in his office and cuban cigars. read about him on the site. what a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Sorry hun, you'll get nothing but grief from them. How the hell did they mangle your glasses so badly?

Anonymous said...

don't hold your breath, you'll never get satisfaction from them. they did the same to me in Kingston, you should have gone to a reputable optician. sorry and good luck

Anonymous said...

You may as well concede defeat on this one. They have the worst practically nonexistent customer service record. You won't get anywhere with them. They warped a pair of glasses so horribly for me that I just ended up throwing them away. Concede defeat and take the pressure off yourself. Live and learn, live and learn.

Anonymous said...

Wish you lots of luck but if they didn't care enough to do the job right in the first place, with not one but two pairs of glasses, then they don't care about customers at all. How do to two wrongs make a right? The glasses were given to you damaged before you even got a chance to wear them. Adding insult to injury the jerk warped them even more. No justice here.... Just one big INSULT after ANOTHER. This shows a total lack of respect for you on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

this blows chunks doesn't it? what's wrong with these peeps? don't they want repeat customers? the woman paid for the services in advance and got totally screwed over probably cause she is a woman. did U know Hakimi is iranian? well, U know how they treat their women dontcha. like dog shit. you must be a white woman RU? that would go a long way to explaining the no respect thing wouldn't it? he must condone this abhorrent treatment of women? stupid remark, course he does. that's probably how he got so rich. taking advantage of women.

Kitten said...

"iranian no respect for women": I never thought of that. I am a white woman.

To everyone else. Thanks for your support and suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Yours is not the first case of mangled specs from Hakim that I have heard of and I'm sure it won't be the last. They have a very bad reputation in Ontario, not just in Kingston. I can only assume it is the same every where else. Wish you luck in your uphill battle with them.

Anonymous said...

You were right, you shouldn't have paid for them in advance. that's a big mistake. there may have been some incentive to do them correctly if there was still money owing on them. also those morons would have found a way to get hold of you. they are too incompetent for words. they don't care about their clients. it is just a cash grab. i read all the stuff about that hakimi character. sounds like a greed son of a bitch to me, a sleazy middle eastern jerk who has gotten filthy rich instead of just filthy, probably off the white women and men in Canada. you can't trust them as far as you can throw them. shady sons of bitches they are taking over our country. perhaps that is how bin laden and other terrorists are being funded. hey you never know for sure do you.

Anonymous said...


It's an overcast and grey Tuesday morning and I'm standing in the office of Sir Hakimi, waiting to conduct a much-anticipated interview with him. I've barely introduced myself and shaken his hand when he swiftly offers me a seat and something to drink. He then begins to apologize profusely, explaining that something's come up, which he must attend immediately, and that he'll be right back.

The interruption provides me with a welcome opportunity to marvel at all the grandeur in my midst. I am, after all, seated in the office of a somewhat legendary figure that embodies what some might call the Canadian dream. Having built an empire that enjoys widespread name-recognition in Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the 120 Hakim Optical stores (including 99 one-hour factory outlets) that he owns have garnered a solid reputation for providing reliable customer service and irresistible offers. And for the last 30 years, repeat customers have comprised 75 per cent of the stores' clientele.

It's no doubt then, that Sir Hakimi's surroundings reflect the prestige he's attained. His marble-floored office is spacious and he can normally be found sitting with his back against a large window where today, a gleam of sunlight is fighting to shine through the gloomy clouds. In front of the windows are two of the most enormous desks I've ever seen; one that he sits in front of to conduct the majority of his work; and another that's adjacent to his main desk, where stacks of paper are piled up. What's most notably present on his desks, and in the office as a whole (perhaps unsurprisingly) are glasses. They're strewn all over the place; spilling out of boxes, resting on his filing cabinet, and decorating his coffee table. In fact, there are more than 10 pairs of glasses on his main desk alone, along with a cup of coffee and a partially smoked Cuban cigar that idles in a crystal ashtray.

What's more, his penchant for sailing is revealed by the bevy of portraits that adorn the walls, showing a proud-looking Sir Hakimi clad in a wetsuit and posing with a big smile and the day's catch. As a multi-millionaire, Sir Hakimi admits to revelling in the wealth he's amassed over the years, taking frequent trips and traversing Mexico on his yacht.

However, his humble formative years remain firmly etched in his memory. Born in Tehran, Iran, he lost his father at the tender age of five, and as a result, he began working at the age of 10 to support his mother and his siblings. Having toiled in blacksmith shop, he made magnifying glasses at one point and that's when his love for optics began to grow. As a result, it wasn't uncommon to see him peddling glasses outside local mosques following Friday prayers.

As he grew up, he developed a passion for foreign languages. And today, in addition to English and his mother tongue, Farsi, he speaks fluent German, (learned from the time he spent grinding lenses in Germany and then camera lenses in Switzerland) and a little French and Spanish, and if that isn't enough, he boast that he can even sing in Arabic.

As a result of the adversity he encountered while growing up, his social conscience is strong, and he admits to feeling a personal obligation to share his prosperity with others. "The reason I've donated glasses to people living in third-world countries is because I experienced hardship in the past, and I firmly believe that money is only good if you can help needy people. After all, you can't take money to the grave."

This philosophy of not being able to take money to the grave manifests itself in more ways than one. It's not uncommon for Sir Hakimi to throw lavish balls, such as for holiday parties where he shells out $100,000 for four hours. "It's like I pay $25,000 for each hour to show my employees a good time," he chuckles. He also admits that he derives a sense of satisfaction knowing that he has 500 employees who enjoy comprehensive benefits packages and can support their families in a competitive job market.

Having dedicated 15 years of her life to Hakim Optical, Ilona Unger, Sir Hakimi's assistant, feels it's his philosophy on customer service that has contributed to the immense success of the company. "To him, customers are his partners in success and he believes that he has to give his customers more than his competitors give." (Hakim strives to do this with special promotions that are offered. For example, currently, you can get free lenses with the purchase of any frame or you can get a second pair of glasses for single vision, bifocal or invisible bifocal glasses for free.)

What more, Unger believes it's the hint of old-fashioned customer service that Sir Hakimi employs that sets him apart when dealing with a diverse group of customers that have a myriad of needs. "Sir's point of view is 'serve the customer as you would serve your own mother and father, with precision and sincerity'." "This is something Sir Hakimi strives for, and it 's not uncommon to see him labouring away for 10-12 hours at his office in order to ensure that his goals are met and that the company is run as effectively as possibly.

Yet of all the accolades he's received over the years that have lauded his achievements on the customer service front, the award he's most proud of celebrates his commitment to humanitarian efforts. This culminated in a knighting ceremony that took place at Queen's Park on June 24, 2005. "It was a significant occasion for me because it recognized the humanitarian efforts I've made by donating eyeglasses to people in third-world countries and my participation in a Ride for Sight that The Foundation Fighting Blindness put on. I was touched because it says something about me personally; I truly believe it's important to make a difference in the lives of others."

[ top ]

1-800-387-0791We process Blue Cross, Liberty Health, Greenshield, Metropolitan Life, Excelsior, Ministry of Community and Social Services and Welfare Canada. (In Nova Scotia & New Brunswick, Maritime Medical and Social Services only.)Last Updated
June 4, 2007.

NOW HE IS MOVING FURTHER WEST FROM ONTARIO INTO MANITOBA. HAVE A LOOK: Having built an empire of optical shops across Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, it's easy to think that Sir Hakimi has got it made. But the ongoing plans to expand into Manitoba, he's not about to slow down just yet. And as a businessman with a social conscience, to him, it's not just about the bottom line, but how his prosperity can impact the lives of vulnerable people.

Anonymous said...

Just caught the last post as it was being published. How ironic that he has a social conscience. ha ha ha. Bunch of smoke being blown up lots of butts. If he had a social conscience, your glasses would have been done correctly in the first place. Smells like cow turds to me.

Anonymous said...

Another unsatisfied Hakim non-customer at the following site: Check it out yourself.

Hakim Optical can suck it Jul 23, 00:13

I’m searching around for a new pair of glasses, obviously the first place I’m going to look is online (especially since the selection at my optometrists is so disappointing). I don’t really need a new pair of glasses, at least not according to Dr. Cutie, however according to Dr. Buttwipe (who I saw last year, he gave me pink eye) my prescription changed slightly. Dr. Cute insists that I have 20/20 vision out of my current pair of glasses and that I should only get a new pair if I want to update my frames, which I do.

Not that I don’t have a special place in my heart for my beloved purple, blue and green emo glasses. I got them four years ago, and being that they’re plastic they’re stretched out and well quite frankly I’d like a change. I’d give you a picture but my digital camera refuses to connect to either of my computers and my webcam is of the cruddy variety.

But back to the rant: I picked out a pair I liked at the optometrists, they’re from Lulu Guinness, black, thick, wide and lovely (I know they sound horrible from my description, but they’re very lovely). Unfortunately the grand total would come to $350 and being the cheapskate I am I’m looking around for the best price. So I went to Hakim Optical to see if they carried anything from Lulu Guinness, my sister got her glasses there last year and my parents swear by them but I don’t think I want to go there.

Hakim Optical – It has all the signs of a bad website, crappy navigation, crappy design and crappy flash. There is no way to browse by brand, to see pictures of a certain pair of glasses or even see more than the handful that are displayed under products. When you load up the Products section you are greeted by a flash animation of frames being presented to you one by one. I moved to another tab whilst waiting for the entire thing to load. Once it did load I was disappointed by the selection and seriously considered sending off an email about how disgruntled I am with their lack of service on their website.

Way to lose a customer guys, way to lose a customer.

I don’t understand how places like that maintain business. Honestly, who would order from a site that looks that ridiculous and unprofessional?
The site looks horrible, plus the fact that the center most link on the main navigation is Awards says it all. Was it designed by a an emo teenager by any chance?

*Here I am, Found someone who thinks like me! Why Hakim Optical suck my big fat toe?
Old fashion, worthless designs, stinky service, poor English communication and market standards O with a capitol C. Anyway, Let’s not forget that Hakim Optical works for very young children (no fashion kids) Now days you can’t full them any way. The work with seniors whom are nearly blind and don’t appreciate fashion any more(unless they like to spend money that is). The strategy applied to their Marketing elements sounds more like you have to choose a course from a night school where you pay first but you don’t know who the teacher is. What I mean is, they promise quality but it sucks and they force you to compromise to buy their product. What the client does not know is, where Hakim Optical cut their lenses. Not only that but on top of that, they insist to be right and force you to buy their product. Where are these people from??????????????*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think it's criminal what these places get away with. When you are that rich I guess you can get away with anything.

Anonymous said...

I read all the comments posted by your supporters and agree with them. I had much problems with the Ottawa store. They warped my glasses to and also screwed up the rx for the lenses. You might guess that I am a woman and you would be right. I see a pattern here. They do take advantage of women. Good luck "sister". We're all sisters joined by abuse by this Hakimi and his tribe.

Anonymous said...

Wow those comments are shocking but true. They did something similar to me only the guy said it wasn't the glasses, my face is asymmetrical. Can you believe it? That was in TO. Another optician said he was crazy and did a fab job. Hope you have better luck than me.

Anonymous said...

I read all comments at both links and find what asymmetrical said sadly and strangely amusing. You see I was told that my glasses will slip down if I look side to side or down. How are you supposed to live if you are constantly upright and don't look side to side? Sicko. I went somewhere else and they fixed the problem. That was in Toronto too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone's comments. How do they get away with this stuff. They must have connections. Wonder who they are paying off.

Anonymous said...

They did the same to my wife in Kingston before we got married of course. That was at the same store. They would not get away with that now. Good luck Kitten from my wife and me. Let us know how you did. We bookmarked you and will check back for updates.

Anonymous said...

It's outrageous. They never did fix my glasses no matter how much I tried to get them to. Hope you have better luck. PS: I am a woman senior.

Anonymous said...

WOW and i thought i was the only one who had such problems with hakim. the frames i chose were absolutely perfect and looked amazing on me. when they put the lenses in they wrecked them and the guy bent the frames even worse. he said that is what they look like but they never sat on my face properly and that was in kingston too. i bought a fabulous pair of designer frames that were pricey. hope others learn and never use them. i'm telling everyone i know. good luck.

Kitten said...

Hi, it's Kitten. I forgot to state in the blog that, when I placed the glasses on the counter, they looked really weird. They were so warped and mangled that they didn't sit flush either way they were placed. I commented about how warped they were. The manager told me that was the way they were supposed to look. Awful, isn't it? What kind of idiot does he think I am. I have never seen anyone's brand new glasses like that before.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your plight. Sad thing is that there are many more people out there like you who are having the same problem. My mother in law in Ontario had a similar experience to you. I hope this blog and others will help get the word out.

Anonymous said...

It sounds as though all the stores on Ontario are awful and probably the rest of them too. I am going to help pass the word along too. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Yep I'am another female victim in Ontario. I am on a fixed income and maybe that has something to do with it. They never ever fixed my glasses properly and like several I read about the glasses were perfect before the lenses were put in. What is wrong with these people? Perhaps when you are that rich and from the middle east you can get away with anything. Oh yeah I read the comments. It is criminal what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

I've read all the comments and am seeing a theme here. Most seem to be poor white women, then seniors and those on fixed incomes. It appears to me that Sir Hakimi is getting rich off bad or no customer service to the poor and those who can't do anything about it. Does anyone else agree?

Anonymous said...

I agree. I know an elderly lady who had similar problems with them and she never got treated right.

Anonymous said...

To think that I thought I was the only woman that this was done to. I am in Ontario and on assistant but could not afford to replace mine. I got a better fit with drug store glasses.

Anonymous said...

add another woman to the list. me. i had something very similar happen to me in ontario too. i hope you have better luck than i did.

Anonymous said...

I work for a group in support of low income individuals in Ontario. I have heard many horror stories from individuals, especially women on assistance and seniors, who have had similar experiences to yours. This is a rampant problem with Hakim. I hope people will stay away from them. We are informing as many as we can.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I am hearing more and more stories about stuff like this that Hakim is getting away with. They have no customer service at all.

Anonymous said...

This is awful. I have to get glasses soon and you can bet I won't go there! Thanks for the warning.

Anonymous said...

Their so-called warranty is a joke.

Anonymous said...

i think ur right. i've heard a couple of people having same problem.

Anonymous said...

I am an advocate for the poor in Toronto and will make sure that as many people find out about this as possible.

Anonymous said...

thx. u saved me lot of hassle when i get new glasses.

Anonymous said...

That's dreadful. I will let as many people know as I can. Good luck kitten.

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list of victims. I am in western Ontario now but I had many problems with the same Kingston store that you do. I hope you have better luck than I did. I had to throw out my glasses and get new ones here.

Anonymous said...

Wow, took a while to read those comments. I guess that's how Hakimi got so rich by taking advantage of women and the poor.

Anonymous said...

looks like scamming is universal and rampant in ontario

Anonymous said...

I had something like that happen to me too and I never got my glasses fixed. I'm a woman on disability in Ontario. They treat us really well don't they?

Anonymous said...

un-f'ing'believable what these immigrant foreigners are getting away with and what they are doing to the poor.

Anonymous said...

I read other comments about the same thing happening to others and it happened to me too in Toronto. I'm a female on disability. They made a total mess of my glasses and I could never wear them. What a waste of money it was. Their so-called guarantee is totally worthless. My fixed glasses were warped far worse than the original ones.

Anonymous said...

They did the same thing to me many years ago. I wish I could have let people know like this. How do they get away with it? Who are they paying off?

Anonymous said...

I never thought there could be so many of us. Spread the word and let people know. I wish I had that chance to stay the hell away from them.

Anonymous said...

I don't have glasses myself, but my widowed mother in Ontario will need some soon. She's on pension. I'll be sure to keep her away from them. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Their warranty IS a joke. My glasses were never fixed properly.

Anonymous said...

It's just awful and I know what you are going through. I had a similar experience with them in Toronto. They have no respect for people especially women who are on pensions. I'm happy you can warn others about them.

Anonymous said...

Add me to your growing list of women on pension who they took advantage of. They ruined my new glasses too and refused to fix them.

Anonymous said...

I'm passing this link to everyone I know because it's important that they know the truth about Hakim. Good luck Kitten. Hope you finally get your glasses fixed right.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Their ad is fraudulant. They don't honour their warranty because they never fixed my glasses properly either. I'm pleased to see that you are spreading the word and warning others.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to find others who had the same problem with Hakim. I thought I was alone in my battle with them. They wrecked my glasses too in much the same way.

Anonymous said...

What can I say that hasn't been said? I'm in the same boat as you. I had to throw out my new glasses too because they were not properly made. Carry the torch sister.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to everything that you experienced because the same happened with me, except I only had one pair of new glasses.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that they have no good customer service. They have an awful reputation especially in Ontario. I know several people who have had a similar experience to yours.

Anonymous said...

You should have gone to Lens Crafters.

Anonymous said...

Hindsight is 20/20, pun intended. Too bad you had to learn about them the hard way. Hopefully you will be able to warn many to stay away from them.

Anonymous said...

I like that comment about hindsight. So true. I wish I had known how bad they were. They did the same thing to me. My new glasses were awful when I got them but the frames were perfect when I chose them. Yes, I am a woman on pension. Surprised?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I had a similar experience and my new glasses were worse than yours. One lens was always loose from the 1st time I picked them up. It was never fixed properly. I had to wear them for six months then went without until disability would replace them.

Anonymous said...

That is all too true. I know 1st hand how horrible they are to low income females. I am one whose glasses they ruined too.

Anonymous said...

Damn those foreigners all to hell. They come here from the middle east, get rich on the poor, then most likely support those terrorists. Sleazy pricks they all are. Send them back where they came from.

Anonymous said...

Fat chance getting them to fix your glasses Kitten. They wrecked mine before I even got to try them with the lenses just like you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear what happened. They are awful especially with women and seniors who have low incomes. Thank God you can warn others about them. I know several people in Ontario who've had similar expereinces to yours.

Anonymous said...

Fat chance getting them to fix your glasses. My grandma in New Brunswick had the same problem, almost identical to yours. They never did fix them.

Anonymous said...

their warranty is a sham, totally bogus. they will never fix their mistakes cause they won't admit to making them especially if you are a female &/or on a pension of some kind. i know first hand in London.

Anonymous said...

they are notorious. their warranty really is bogus. they treat their poor, elderly and females customers the worst. i have heard so many horror stories from across ontario especially.

Anonymous said...

You'll never get them fixed. They don't stand by the warranty at all. They really do take advantage of women and the poor, especially those on pension.

Anonymous said...

their warrantys not worth the paper its written on they will never fix your glasses they screw over seniors and women on pension

Anonymous said...

That's how they treat their poor customers especially the women and seniors who are on pension.

Anonymous said...

NB here. I'm a female on assistance. They treated me as badly as they did you. My new glasses were never fixed.

Anonymous said...

i'm writing for my granny. they put her thru hell and never did fix her glasses. the frames she chose were great but when they gave them to her they were warped.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, we never had any luck with them.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, we never had any luck with them.

Anonymous said...

They do the worst work. Come on they couldn't even get it right in the first place with 2 pairs of glasses.

Anonymous said...

im in toronto and had bad experience with them too. i couldn't afford to get more glasses so i had to wear the bad ones.

Anonymous said...

add me to your list in toronto. im on disability pension female of course. guess i fit the profile don't i?

Anonymous said...

hackem testicles. that old guy sure was funny. its true though. they dont do good work at all.

Anonymous said...

Whistleblower is right. They are sloppy with their work. They don't provide very good customer service either.

Anonymous said...

hakem optical are sloppy with their work.

Anonymous said...

they are very sloppy with their work and are even worse with people on fixed incomes

Anonymous said...

Hi kitten
I recently had the pleasure (pain) of actualy working for a hakim optical, trained to be their lab technician working under an incompetant optician who swore at me, refused to do any actual work like cleaning or doing large deposits she was a nightmare. Upper management refused to hear me, my trainer was called a mole and spy for actually trying to help people. Not only was she ignorant but legally blind. There's thothing like a blind bat trying to take your measurements. I was acually forced to leave my job when her harrassment became too much and I was having panick attacks.
And so I believe they keep these idiot opticians because they are not easily replaced and shove out anyone disputing their methods.

Anonymous said...

Jebus.. Why didn't I read all of this BEFORE going to Hakim?! I'm usualy pretty much on the ball with checking places out before going, but I thought these guys had been around forever, and my boyfriend always went to Hakim and never had problems.. that I would go there.

Well what a mistake!

First, I had my eyes checked by their "doctor" on-site.. I was in his office for 5 minutes. He barely did anything, then gave me the prescription, and then escorted me to the cash where he said: "Alright, that'll be 75$!"
I should've known right there I was in trouble.

Then I picked a pair of glasses (frames) and sunglasses frames. Everything was well then..

When I went to pick up my glasses a week or so later. Everything seemed fine. After a week of having my glasses, I noticed that the lenses on the sunglasses were very poorly put in and cut. In fact, there was a big gaping hole between the lens and the frame. I hadn't noticed because I didn't wear them that much in that week. So i returned to the store and told the guy about it. He was like: "Oh yeah... weird. I guess the computer didn't cut them correctly. We're gonna change the lenses for you." I also tell him in the meantime that I keep having really bad headaches and I think it's because of the prescription's strength. He tells me he'll schedule a new appointment with the doctor, and we'll see what's up.
Of course when I go to the doctor, he check my eyes again and says: "Yeah.. I might have overcompensated a little bit.. I'll give you a weaker prescription." wtf? You just overcompensated!?!

So then they proceed to change the lenses on BOTH my pairs of glasses.. In the week or so that it takes them to do that, I'm stuck with wearing my old glasses, which by now feel completely weird.
Finally, the glasses come back a week or two after (they never called me to tell me they were ready, I had to call them!).

Oh, what do you know, the sunglasses have a big hole between the lenses and the frame AGAIN!!!
I tell him on the spot... Once again, he seems very "surprised" by this. Alright, they"ll fix it again.

Can you believe now that they came back.. and they're STILL WRONG?!!?!?! A big gaping hole again, and the lenses are cut all wrong!
Being the calm person that I am... I told him... Fine.. Order the damn lenses, and I'll come see you when you have them, so I dont lose my sunglasses till then. I just didn't feel like making a scene in front of him and the other people in the store. Although now that I think about it, I should have made one, so everyone else would leave and never go back to those sloppy people.
Now it's been 3 weeks, and they haven't called me yet for me to bring in my sunglasses.

Now I've put up with more than enough.
Does anyone know if they give full refunds for glasses?!!
I love my normal eyeglasses, but I'm completely annoyed by their crappy service that I just want my money back and I'll go elsewhere!
I know.. I put up with alot before I decided to blow, but they seemed genuinely nice in the beginning.